Joseph Breneman and Steven Wright Complete 2023 Angevine Fellowships

We are pleased to have had two Angevine fellows rotate through the department this summer. For 10 weeks starting in May, Joseph and Steven attended didactic lectures and rotated through Forensic/Medical Autopsy, Breast/Gynecologic and Genitourinary Surgical Pathology, Hematopathology, Clinical Chemistry, Transfusion Medicine, Molecular Pathology, Cytology and Clinical Microbiology.

The Angevine Fellowship was established in the mid-90’s by James Angevine, MD, in honor of his father D. Murray Angevine, MD, who was chair of the department for more than 30 years. The ten-week Angevine summer internship is designed to provide exposure to modern pathology practice through a series of rotations in eight laboratories.

Thanks go to the Angevine family for their support of the program and to faculty and residents for their teaching and support which created such an excellent introduction to Pathology and Laboratory Medicine for these two fellows.

For more information about the Angevine Fellowship, go to:










Pictured above (L to R): Dave Yang (Clinical Vice Chair), Joseph Breneman, Jamie Kallan (Angevine Fellowship Director), Steven Wright, Alex Tannenbaum (PGY1 Resident), Erik Ranheim (Department Chair)