Dr. Joseph Connor, an Assistant Professor with the University of Wisconsin Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, is contributing to an investigation of the experimental use of blood plasma from people who have recovered from …
Month: April 2020
CMP T32 Grant Funded under the new NIGMS Molecular Medicine Graduate Training Program with increased number of positions!
Congratulations to Program Directors, Zsuzsa Fabry and Ric Lloyd, the Department of Pathology administration and leadership and the Cellular and Molecular Pathology (CMP) program for the successful renewal of the T32 training grant in the …
Residents off to exciting fellowships!
Congratulations to our PGY4 residents on their fantastic accomplishments and upcoming fellowships! Dr. Ryan Bemke will further his training at UWHC as a Clinical Instructor with subspecialty training as a Breast/GYN Surgical Pathology Fellow. …
Please welcome our new class of incoming residents!
The Department is happy to welcome five 2020 PGY1 residents into the program! Geunyoung Jung Pusan National University College of Medicine Geunyoung obtained his medical in Korea where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. He subsequently …