Residents off to exciting fellowships!

Pathology Congratulates Graduating Residents this year.


Dr. Eduard Matkovic
Dr. Eduard Matkovic is off to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for a two-year Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) fellowship (2018-2020)




Dr. Daniel Matson
Dr. Daniel Matson will remain at UWHC for two more years, first as a Hematopathology Fellow (2018-2019) and then as a Research Fellow (2019-2020)




Dr. Madhu Roy
Dr. Madhu Roy has two years planned at MD Anderson Cancer Center: a Surgical Pathology Fellowship (2018-2019), followed by a Breast Pathology Fellowship (2019-2020)




Dr. Michael Schwalbe
Dr. Michael Schwalbe will be a Surgical Pathology Fellow at Stanford University (2018-2019)





Dr. Richard Yang
Dr. Richard Yang is also off to MD Anderson Cancer Center for both a Cancer Biomarker Fellowship (2018-2019) and a Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship (2019-2020)



Congratulations to our graduating residents on their fantastic accomplishments and fellowship opportunities!