Dan Matson named Hartwell Investigator

Congratulations to Dan Matson, MD, PhD, on receiving a 2022 Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award!

Dr. Matson is one of ten recipients nationwide recognized for their early-stage, innovative and cutting-edge biomedical research with the potential to benefit children. Each year the Hartwell Foundation announces its Top Ten Centers of Biomedical Research, inviting each center to nominate three individuals for a Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award. Each participating institution holds an open internal competition among faculty and research staff in the areas of basic and applied life sciences, including engineering focused on biomedical applications. Once nominated by their institution, each nominee submits a formal proposal to the Foundation.

Dr. Matson will receive 3 years of support for his proposal Defining the Role of GATA2 Deficiency Syndrome in Predisposing Acute Leukemia and will present his research results at an upcoming Hartwell Foundation Biomedical Research Annual Meeting.