Congratulations to this year’s graduating Residents and Fellows!
Five residents and five fellows were honored on June 4, 2022 at the annual Resident, Fellow and Faculty Year-end Celebration. Where are the graduating residents and fellows going next?
Graduating Residents (left to right):
Wale Shiyanbola, MBBS, MPH, PhD is off to a General Surgical Pathology Fellowship at Stanford Medicine in Palo Alto, CA.
Natalie Taylor, MD will be doing a Forensic Pathology Fellowship in the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque, NM.
Huihua Li, MB, PhD will be a Thoracic Pathology Fellow at the University of Chicago, IL.
Kelly Olson, MD will be staying at the UW-Madison and UW Hospital & Clinics as a Cytopathology Fellow.
Joseph Krenzer, DO (not pictured) will also remain at the UW-Madison and UW Hospital & Clinics as a Hematopathology Fellow.
Hematopathology Fellow, Daniel Forsythe DO (right) will be a Pathologist at SSM Health/St. Mary’s in Madison.
Cytopathology Fellow, Joseph Gormley, MD (right) is moving on to private practice in Eau Claire, WI.
Breast and Gynecological Fellow, Sindhu Shetty, MD (right) will be a Staff Pathologist at Sanford Health in Fargo, ND.
Transfusion Medicine Fellow, Haytham Hasan, MD (not pictured) will be the Medical Director of Blood Bank & Transfusion Services at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, WI.
GI/Liver Fellow, Prachi Raut, MBBS (not pictured) will stay in the department and become our Breast and Gynecological Fellow next year.
Congratulations to all!