Congratulations to this year’s graduating Residents and Fellows!

Congratulations to this year’s graduating Residents and Fellows!

Five residents and five fellows were honored on June 4, 2022 at the annual Resident, Fellow and Faculty Year-end Celebration. Where are the graduating residents and fellows going next?

Graduating Residents (left to right):
Wale Shiyanbola, MBBS, MPH, PhD is off to a General Surgical Pathology Fellowship at Stanford Medicine in Palo Alto, CA.
Natalie Taylor, MD will be doing a Forensic Pathology Fellowship in the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque, NM.
Huihua Li, MB, PhD will be a Thoracic Pathology Fellow at the University of Chicago, IL.
Kelly Olson, MD will be staying at the UW-Madison and UW Hospital & Clinics as a Cytopathology Fellow.
Joseph Krenzer, DO (not pictured) will also remain at the UW-Madison and UW Hospital & Clinics as a Hematopathology Fellow.

Hematopathology Fellow, Daniel Forsythe  DO (right) will be a Pathologist at SSM Health/St. Mary’s in Madison.

Cytopathology Fellow, Joseph Gormley, MD (right) is moving on to private practice in Eau Claire, WI.

Breast and Gynecological Fellow, Sindhu Shetty, MD (right) will be a Staff Pathologist at Sanford Health in Fargo, ND.

Transfusion Medicine Fellow, Haytham Hasan, MD (not pictured) will be the Medical Director of Blood Bank & Transfusion Services at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, WI.

GI/Liver Fellow, Prachi Raut, MBBS (not pictured) will stay in the department and become our Breast and Gynecological Fellow next year.

Congratulations to all!