Katrina Thompson
Credentials: MD
Position title: Resident (PGY-4)
Email: kthompson5@uwhealth.org
Phone: (608) 263-8445
UWHC - Rm A4/204 - 3224
600 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53792-3224
- Pager
- (608) 265-7000 #9714
- Office
- B1772 WIMR
Katrina graduated from Wayne St. Univ. School of Medicine where she worked on quality improvement in laboratory test ordering and health care costs. She received her B.S. degree in human biology/cell molecular biology from UW Green Bay. She has worked as a ballet and tap dance instructor and also enjoys gaming, football, movies, and hiking.
Wayne State U School of Med
Hoffman MR, Thompson KM, Van Beek-King J. Idiopathic Cervical Tracheal Stenosis in an 11-year-old Male. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2018; 113: 72-75
Thompson K, Sterkel A, McBride J, Corliss R. The Shock of Strep: Acute Deaths Due to Group A Streptococcus. Academic Forensic Pathology. March 2018;8(1): 136-149
Thompson K, Stier M. Death Due to a Rare Complication of Colonoscopy and the Potential Medicolegal Implications. Journal of Forensic Sciences. March 2018
Thompson K, Sterkel A, Brooks E. Blastomycosis in Wisconsin: Beyond the Outbreaks. Academic Forensic Pathology. March 2017;7(1): 119-129