G. Reza Hafez

Credentials: MD

Position title: Professor Emeritus

Email: grhafez@wisc.edu

Research Interests

Quality improvement in surgical pathology; role of cytogenetics in tumor diagnosis

Selected Publications
  • Casas LEDe Las, Hoerl HD, Oberley TD, et al.Myoepithelioma presenting as a midline cystic tongue lesion: cytology, histology, ancillary studies, and differential diagnosis.Diagn. Cytopathol.. 2001;24(6):403-7.
  • Leys CM, Hartenbach EM, Hafez G-R, Mahvi DM. “Screening for occult nodal metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva.Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol.. 2000;19(3):243-7.
  • Choi RY, Lucarelli MJ, Imesch PD, Hafez G-R, Albert DM, Dortzbach RK. “Primary orbital Ewing sarcoma in a middle-aged woman.Arch. Ophthalmol.. 1999;117(4):535-7.