Shelly Cook

Credentials: MD

Position title: Associate Professor (CHS)


Phone: (608) 263-2530

UWHC - Rm A4/204 - 3224
600 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53792-3224

(608) 265-7000 #5772
B1775 WIMR
Clinical Interests

Surgical Pathology, GI Pathology

Selected Publications
  • Iczkowski KA, Torkko KC, Kotnis GR, et al.Digital quantification of five high-grade prostate cancer patterns, including the cribriform pattern, and their association with adverse outcome.Am. J. Clin. Pathol.. 2011;136(1):98-107.
  • Conway AB, Cook S, Samad A, Attam R, Pambuccian SE. “Large platelet aggregates in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the pancreas and peripancreatic region: a clue for the diagnosis of intrapancreatic or accessory spleen.Diagn. Cytopathol.. 2013;41(8):661-72.
  • Smalley R.M., Dahlberg P.E., Cook S, Chan M.R. “Best Not Shaken or Stirred! Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Hyperkalemia.” Kidney International. 2010;77:167-168.