Joseph P. Connor

Credentials: MD

Position title: Associate Professor (CHS), Medical Director, East Madison Hospital - Director of Transfusion Services


Phone: 608-263-2044

3147 MFCB
1685 Highland Ave
Madison, WI 53705

(608) 265-7000 #7365
3147 MFCB
Research Interests

Transfusion based research, patient blood management and the use of electronic decision support in transfusion practice.


Developing, testing and implementation of electronic decision support programs to assist in the appropriate utilization of blood products in a variety of clinical settings.

Clinical Interests
Transfusion Medicine, Blood Banking
Consultation on complicated transfusion practice testing and product selection/utilization.
Selected Publications
  • Al-Niaimi AN, Ahmed M, Burish N, et al.Intensive postoperative glucose control reduces the surgical site infection rates in gynecologic oncology patients.Gynecol. Oncol.. 2015;136(1):71-6.
  • Richard S, Wells A, Connor J, Price F. “Use of ChemoFx® for Identification of Effective Treatments in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.PLoS Curr. 2015;7.
  • Connor J, Cunningham AM, Raife T, Rose WN, Medow JE. “Standardization of transfusion practice in organ donors using the Digital Intern, an electronic decision support algorithm.Transfusion. 2017;57(6):1369-1375.